Sometimes I write about random things in my life.

Norway! (and France)

19 June 2024

After summer break had just started for me, I went to Europe (for the first time!) We went to France (more like Paris) and Norway. Going to France was mainly because there are no flights directly from San Francisco to Oslo.


3 Extra Days

24 August 2022

8/22: Just another school day and maybe AYSO soccer (I forgot)

8/23: look at yesterday. Also first day of flag football (school)

8/24 (today): look at yesterday’s yesterday, without the AYSO part.

      /\      ____
    /    \,--' __ '--_
  /         ,-'  '--,/
  '--,     |

(Its an arrow representing ‘look at yesterday’)



21 August 2022

8/20: I went to tennis just like on 7/30/2022. I’m forgetting what else I did.

8/21: I went to a geometry seminar. It was a seminar on AOPS made by a dad because the school isn’t advanced enough.

I went to a soccer game. It was Stanford v.s. China. Surprisingly, Stanford won 1-0.



19 August 2022

8/15: I went to school. Today was the first day of school. Lots of talking and prep work. Bad school day overall.

8/16: I still went to school. Same as yesterday. Still lots of talking but less prep work.

8/17: Ok, you get the idea. I still went to school. Less talking and prep work.

8/18: I went to a before school club. I had to wake up a hour early.

We got a double P.E. period!(double P.E. is two P.E. periods squished together.) Other than that, pretty much no more talking or prep work.

8/19: Actually a regular school day! Everything about it was regular.


Trip to Toronto

14 August 2022

We went to Toronto. On the trip there and back, we were delayed by 2 hours or more. We went to a bunch of adult places(I think they’re boring). The good part was that my friend also came, and we played a lot of video games.

The adult places that we went to are:

The museum.

The CN tower. We also ate on top of it.

(Looking at) the old city hall.

If I remember correctly, the only castle in North America. I jumped over a new renovated wall, so I can now say that I jumped a castle wall.

Niagara Falls (behind the falls and under the falls). That really wasn’t an adult place.

(yeah, that really wasn’t much)

   | || |
   | || |
  /  ||  \
 |   ||   |
 |   ||   |

bad replica of the CN tower.

no, I didn’t go to camp. I was at Toronto.



5 August 2022

I made stock simulator money. For some reason, the seven stocks(I mean shares of stocks) made about $15.5 and not a single one of them went down in price. Yesterday I forgot I had $100,000 so I spent it very sparingly. That led to today my dad telling me to buy more (my $15.5 could have easily been $155).

|$   ,---.. ---,   $|
|$  |    (||    |  $|
|$  |     ||)   |  $|
|$   '--- '' ---'  $|

(its a money thing because I can’t draw the face in the middle.)



4 August 2022

I made an Investopedia account. Unluckily, it was somewhere around 9:00 pm when I started it, so I couldn’t trade any stocks(I could place orders for stocks when the stock market opens, which was a little weird). It turned out to be a very confusing thing.

|             /|
|    /\   _  / |
|  -'  |_| \/  |
   aug nov sep

(Yes, I did go to camp(just because there isn’t a paragraph doesn’t mean I didn’t do it))



3 August 2022

I cut myself. No, it wasn’t a bad cut. How? Well, I was just swinging a golf club when it was wrenched sideways and gripped on my left hand too well, which caused it to rupture the skin and cut me. Lesson learned: always use gloves while swinging a golf club. (yay I didn’t use ‘I went to (modifier) camp.’ even though I did)

      __             _________          __
     /\_\           /\________\        /\_\ 
    / / /          / / _____  /       / / / 
   / / /          / / /  / / /       / / /  
  / / /          / / /  / / /       / / /  
 / / /___       / / /__/ / /       / / /___   
/ / /____\     / / /___\/ /       / / /____\
\/_______/     \/________/        \/_______/      

(really, though, I don’t know what to laugh out loud about)



2 August 2022

  / ,••, \
     || :
     || :
     || •
_,--'  '--,_

(Yes, it is a better (or more creepy) anthropomorphic lamp, and no, it still does not mean anything.)



1 August 2022

 / -_- \
   | |
 _,| |,_

(Yes, it is an anthropomorphic lamp, and no, it does not mean anything.)



31 July 2022

I did yesterday, 7/30/2022. As you may have noticed, today is labeled as yesterday because I did yesterday and then forgot about today. (It’s really hard to write about this in present tense when I know that everybody reading knows that this is past tense.)


Just don’t look at that plane. (wow popping that word up really does work)



30 July 2022

I went to tennis. My dad, his friends, and I play on Saturday. There’s not really anything to talk about.

(More keeping just for the ascii art.)

 ____     _____      ____       __    __
/  __|    |_  _|    /   _\      | |   | |
|  |_       | |    |   /        | |___| |
\__  \      | |    |   | ____   |  ___  |
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|____/    |____|    \___ /| |   |_|   | |  • • •



29 July 2022

I went to camp. Today is the last day of the week as well as the camp.

No content here. Don’t look.

Update from editing:

I kept this just for the ascii art.

 '-***-' ,-, '-***-'
   /             \

(It was meant to be a sad face but now it’s more like a proud sunglasses face.)



28 July 2022

I have a basketball scrimage.

Update 1:

The score is unreliable. I forgot that the coach changes the score to tied when there is 1 minute left. Anyway, it was 35-30 us even after the score was changed.

   ,-'\  |  /'-,
  /   |  |  |   \
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  \   |  |  |   /

(I think that this should be better)



27 July 2022

You know, back to old copy & paste.

”"”I went to camp. I had the same classes since it’s still the same week, and they were still pretty good. Nothing really important happened there.” - Jayden 7/19/2022

Okay, the stuff above still applies to today.” - Jayden 7/20/2022

Okay, the stuff above still applies to today.” - Jayden 7/21/2022

Okay, the stuff above still applies to today.

Well, no content for today. Just don’t read it.

/';{}\-]'|-\"\    ||\_______| IDEAS FROM BRAIN: |
'---,;'./,{}|-|   ||/       | ERROR: NONE       |

(The picture above represents aliens trying to get ideas from my brain, but finding none)



26 July 2022

I went to camp. Today was a lot less exciting than yesterday because there was just a lot more waiting involved.

My friend got covid. It was the same friend that was with me at Topgolf AND Great America, but I already got covid 2 months ago and probably don’t have it.

    •    •      •                   {˙-˙}
     \ __|| __ /                     /|\
__.--'         '--.__________       / /\|
                                     /  /

(Its a bad picture of a person running from a gigantic covid)



24 July 2022

I went to Topgolf. It’s a place where you go to a first, second, or third story balcony and hit golf balls in a game. My friends and I did three things: closest to the hole, scramble, and topgolf (that’s a game, not the name of the place). In closest to the hole, I hit a tree and got a bad score(I might’ve won if not for that unlucky bounce). In scramble, I teamed up with one of my friends and played against my other friends and one of their dads(2v3(we were the 2))(we barely won). In topgolf, my friend’s dad dominated with me getting second. We were under very high tension because my friend wanted Minecraft on his new pc and had to get half or more than his dad to get it(he got it, with 36 score. His dad got 72).

I went to Great America. I met up with my friend, who interestingly was at Topgolf with me, and with his friends from basketball.

  /                ______
 /                      /
/___________           /
                   /_____  _

(that describes me after all that)



22 July 2022

I went to camp. The thing that’s different is that today is the last day of the week. Next week I’m going to have a friend(that I knew before) there.

I made a solar oven at camp. It stayed at 160˚ Fahrenheit until it got shaded and broke…(It’s okay, though, I’m going to try to make a solar oven at my house.). The thermometer we were using actually warped, and another group’s thermometer melted(It was a solar oven in the afternoon heat on a black bench…). The weird thing was that the marshmallows didn’t even turn golden in that heat.

I just searched up marshmallow caramelization(when the skin gets golden) temperatures, and it gave 110˚-160˚. The temperature of a fire just above the bright part is about 600˚, so that’s probably why it didn’t work.

/       ''--,,
''--,,_       /
    /\   -,,/''--,,
|\/    \/|         ''--,,
\        / 

A marshmallow above a fire.



20 July 2022

I went to the orthodontist. Anyway, I don’t know what the difference between dentist and orthodontist is. My best guess is ‘the dentist fixes individual teeth and the orthodontist fixes all of them’(again, don’t use that because there’s probably a better way to say that).

I just searched up the definition of dentist and orthodontist, and it turned out orthodontist is literally a dentist who treats irregularities in the teeth and jaws, while a dentist is a person who can treat diseases in the teeth and gums.

(•\          \
  |~~~.      |
  |          |
  |          |
  |          |
  |_________ |_
  \•)_________ )

(Hooray.(Emphasize the period.) It’s a scroll with even less content on it…)



19 July 2022

I got my passport. The passport was a renewal. Okay, there’s probably a legal word for it just because, so don’t use my word choice. My mom was probably relieved because we’re going on a trip(on second thought, that trip isn’t in the near future, so forget about it).

I went to camp. I had the same classes since it’s still the same week, and they were still pretty good. Nothing really important happened there.

(•\          \
  |~~~~~~    |
  |~~~~      |
  |          |
  |          |
  |_________ |_
  \•)_________ )

I bet nobody can guess what this is supposed to mean.

(Spoiler alert(Well, it’s not really a spoiler): It’s a scroll with not much writing representing not enough content…)



18 July 2022

I went to camp. It was new classes for a new week, and they were pretty good.

I had to leave early for a doctor’s appointment. Last Monday (7/11/2022) I fell and my left forearm hurt. I didn’t know this until today, but I might have hairline fractured my left forearm. I got an x-ray two days later, and nothing was broken. The thing is, the doctor confused my growing bone for a spur(because bones start as cartilage and cartilage isn’t visible on a x-ray, and since it starts growing on the outmost part of the bone, it looks like a spur). So I’m not supposed to play sports in caution of falling and breaking my bone because of my maybe hairline fracture.


(Okay, that looks like everything except for a smiley face.)



17 July 2022

I met up with some of my old friends from like, 2nd grade(at this time, 4 years). They moved to Seattle some years ago and are coming to play a water polo game. I haven’t started watching them play yet.

Update 1:

Okay, the score was 11-7 … the other team. (By the other team, I mean the team my friends weren’t on.)

__/     ____\_
__        _____\
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