I went to camp. The thing that’s different is that today is the last day of the week. Next week I’m going to have a friend(that I knew before) there.
I made a solar oven at camp. It stayed at 160˚ Fahrenheit until it got shaded and broke…(It’s okay, though, I’m going to try to make a solar oven at my house.). The thermometer we were using actually warped, and another group’s thermometer melted(It was a solar oven in the afternoon heat on a black bench…). The weird thing was that the marshmallows didn’t even turn golden in that heat.
I just searched up marshmallow caramelization(when the skin gets golden) temperatures, and it gave 110˚-160˚. The temperature of a fire just above the bright part is about 600˚, so that’s probably why it didn’t work.
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A marshmallow above a fire.