I created a lot of ASCII art while chatting with my friends during zoom meetings (hence the blue backgrounds).

[12/08/2021] Okay, so my dad gave me a suggestion that I should actually make the ascii art in a text box so that people can copy and paste it.

Very disproportionate Rubik's cube
Arrow and target (circles are hard)
          /  _______  \
         /  /  ___  \  \
	|  |  /   \  |  |   <--------<(((
	|  |  \___/  |  |
	 \  \_______/  /
VERY mini jet
         \|   `'
a bad skull
I'm disappointing scientists
      _ ,- -, _
      | •   • |
       \_ ^ _/
scroll from diary
      (•\          \
        |~~~~~~    |
        |~~~~      |
        |          |
        |          |
        |_________ |_
        \•)_________ )
         /  \
        /    \
       /      \
      |        |
       \      /
okay, I need better line spacing. its a leaf...
         / \
        / | \
       /\ | /\
      /\ \|/ /\
     /\ \ | / /\
     | \ \|/ / /|
     \  \ | / / /
      \  \|/ / /
       \  | / /
arrows... and a beard? purely experimental
      ||  /\  ========>
      ||  ||  <========
      ||  ||
      ||  ||  (--)       /\
      ||  ||   ||        ||
      ||  ||   ||        ||
      ||  ||   ||        ||
      ||  ||   \/      (-  -)
      ||  ||
      \/  ||
The alphabet (now i feel the pain of the person that made the alphabet)
              _       _   _  _
      /\ |-) (_  | ) |-_ |- (_, |-|  |  _| |< |_ |\/| |\|
       _        _         _ __                         _
      |_|  |^  |_|. |*;  '-, |   (_) \/ \/\/  ,\'  \'  /.

      __        _                                    _  __
       |  |-|  |-_  ,__,  /\  |_  |^  |-|  /\  |-)  |-_  |
wow thats so weird the apple disappears after I update it
        •_• .•_•. .-_-. •)-(•  +_+ x_x
This is going to so painful...that's it. I'm stopping
        / \
      /     \
      |  \
that's actually okay from diary. "today, 7/28/2022"
         ,-'\  |  /'-,
        /   |  |  |   \
       |    |  |  |    |
       |    |  |  |    |
        \   |  |  |   /
from diary. "today, 7/29/2022"
       '-***-' ,-, '-***-'
         /             \
Still from diary "yesterday, 7/30/2022"
       ____     _____      ____       __    __
      /  __|    |_  _|    /   _\      | |   | |
     |  |__       | |    |   /        | |___| |
      \__  \      | |    |   | ____   |  ___  |
       __|  |    _| |_   |   |_ | |   | |   | |
      |____/    |____|    \___ /| |   |_|   | |  • • •
still from diary "today, 8/3/2022"
            __             _________          __
           /\_\           /\________\        /\_\ 
          / / /          / / _____  /       / / / 
         / / /          / / /  / / /       / / /  
        / / /          / / /  / / /       / / /  
       / / /___       / / /__/ / /       / / /___   
      / / /____\     / / /___\/ /       / / /____\
      \/_______/     \/________/        \/_______/      
still from diary "today, 8/4/2022"
      |             /|
      |    /\   _  / |
      |  -'  |_| \/  |
         aug nov sep
Finally not from diary. Pretty self-explanatory
         /\/    • \\
          ,-'  '-,               \'--,____________
          ||    ||                \ A raindrop!   \
            // \\                  \______________/
          '''   '''
It failed pretty badly, but it's supposed to be a moon on a cloudy night
      •••••••..-00-,.••• |* |•••••••••••••
      ••••••.--0000=•••• |..|•••••••••••••
      •••••• '====='••••/,,=••••••••••••••
      ••••••|=()00()=\•••:=:| ===-|:=,\•••••
Two People Running
Somebody out there
You get the idea ...(don't blame me!">
A person waving
A Bell

Send me a message (jayden at jaydengong dot com) if you like my ASCII arts :)